greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Please, anyone knows how many episodes OH! MY GODDESS has, I've found 5 OVAS and a Movie, there are more? I've found too, adventures from mini goddess, but first I want OH! MY GODDESS. This part of Mini is about the past? Idon't know anything yet about this anime, sorry asking foolish question, but i'd like to know a little bit more about it. If anyone could help me :D

Thanks a lot, André

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2003


Well actually, Mini Godess in just a parody of Oh!-My-Goddess. It has no real revelence to the storyline; the OVA's (OMG) and the movie are the actual anime.^^

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2003

As far as i know, OMG is only the 5 OAVS and the movie. thats it

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2003

I have all of the Ah! My Goddess DVDs. There are 5 episodes of the OVA, one movie, and 24 episodes of Mini Goddess. So yeah, you pretty much got it down. There's nothing more to find, trust me if there was then I would have it already! I'll drop in and let ya know if anything else ever comes out tho.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2003

well there still the 25 manga volume or so...

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2003

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