Electric Rav4?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : zipcar : One Thread

I seem to remember that there was an electric Rav4 in Central Square, Cambridge, MA, but I never got around to trying it out. Now, when I look through the Boston cars, I can't find it. Was I just dreaming about that car's existence?

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2003


No, you weren't dreaming. Roscoe the electric RAV-4 went back to Toyota with a service problem, but will be replaced soon.

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2003

Sadly, the electric RAV4 is being discontinued as a production model. Here's an excerpt from the Toyota statement:

"...Toyota Motor Corporation will discontinue production of the RAV4 Electric Vehicle worldwide in the spring of 2003. Therefore, Toyota will no longer take orders for the RAV4 EV in the retail market in California. However, Toyota will honor all orders made on the RAV4 EV internet order system and finalized with a deposit at a dealership."

Did the gas-guys win? or was it a production problem? Or was the profit margin too slim? We may never know, as is often the case with decisions made for the American consumer.


-- Anonymous, March 31, 2003

In April 2004, at Tufts University, Medford, Mass ( Boston ), Toyota presented a program on advanced vehicle engineering. ZipCar participated, giving rides in their RAV4 EV and Prius Hybrid which live on campus.

I understood Toyota Representatives to say that the RAV4 EV generated much interest, but too few sales. The Prius had great sales, around the globe. Now 3rd generation: each bigger, better, & improved gas milage.

RAV4 EV range is about 65 miles, less in cold, low in very cold. After being marooned, Zipcar limit is 35 ? miles; was not avail. in cold January.

RAV4 EV is peppy, 'smart', but "Total Emissions of hybrid is close or equal to EV, considering end-to-end efficiency, & manufacturing."

Dan O'Connell

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2004

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