no smoking in car????? : LUSENET : zipcar : One Thread

I recently rented my first Zipcar and it was great.. My one major complaint----- the car reeked of cigarette smoke-- there were ashes all over the ashtray and cigarette lighter.. in the log of the car the last 4 people complained of the same thing.. how do you STOP one assh--e from being so inconsiderate??

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2003


Maybe a picture of a cancerous lung on the dashboard? That' s seriously an un-Zipcar activity if I ever heard of it. Once I rented a car in Vegas that reeked of smoke and I had to find a Pep Boys to get some spray air deodorizer and leave the windows open all day. If you are smoking in Zipcar you are one inconsiderate jerk! Anyone who finds recent evidence should call in immediately to have the previous driver answer for his/her behavior.

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003

The standard operating proceedure for any ZipCar member is to fully inspect the car before driving off and record any dents, scratches, stains or smells, so that they can report this to ZipCar at their earliest convienience (an email to is easiest). The idea of this is to track who is the likeliest cause of these problems, and to determine whether to continue their membership.

-- Anonymous, April 12, 2004

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