Dc240 kodak flash problem

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have a kodak dc240 camera. I bought it from a friend, and it worked great. I use it quite often for my websites, and noticed recently that after about 30 pictures, the flash doesn't fire all the time. It gets weak. Is this expensive to fix?....After every 5th picture or so, it will fire up bright, then after that about three in a row are weak flashes. Please help!!!...Thanks

I do use my ac adapter at al times...

-- Tony Matrix (crossfire1277@attbi.com), March 30, 2003


I have the same problem, call to your Kodak local dealer , is not expensive to fix this problem.


-- Jerry (gsantos2002@hotmail.com), January 08, 2004.

I my DC240 replaced twice by Kodak and it still did it. The retailor replaced once in warranty and then Kodak Europe replaced it when sent for replair. They still say they do not have a problem!

-- Graham (gp54g@netscape.net), December 28, 2004.

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