Where can I get love hina from a website

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

hey do you know of any websites I can get love hina with subs that I can play on divX or something, I tried kazaa and winmx and direct download, everytime I try and find anything on direct download I have to have like 30 gigs of anime,I dont even have 30 gigs on my computer so if you can tell me a website that I can just download I would greatly appreciate it.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2003


with direct connect, it depends on what hub you get in. I downloaded Love Hina from Kazaa so I don't see why you would have any problems downloading it from there. Mostly sites and people aren't sharing that much licensed anime, so getting Love Hind from a site is going to be a little difficult unless you want some really bad quality. Try using Kazaa Lite, it doesn't have any spyware, no pop ups and it doesn't lag your computer.

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2003

you can find all here: http://animetemple.host.sk/? page=multimidia.php&id=eplovehina.php&title=Love%20Hina

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2003

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