soft suspention seting : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi every one, I am thinking of adjusting the suspension from standard to soft, because in the area of England wear I live the road surfaces are very bad, has any body tried the soft seting on the bike and is it any more comfortable, or das it change the bikes handling noticeably? Eny tips would be apreciated

-- Gianni (, April 03, 2003


It depends on how you ride really. I live somewhere where roads are quite bad, but still have the suspension stiffer than standard, as the handling does suffer quite a lot (in my opinion) when set to soft. However, if you are just cruising around, it probably won't make much difference. Having said that, even on stiffer settings, it copes with low speed bumps very well anyway, that's the benefit of quality suspension.

-- David Stephens (, April 04, 2003.

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