Torpedo-Tube-Geeps : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

After viewing slides and different books, it looks to me like the air tanks on the GP-7's roof-tops are a dark-grey (almost black). Of course I am talking about the grey & blue paint scheme. Also, it seems like the same holds true for alot of horns on Fs and GP-7s. Could somebody please enlighten me on this? Thanks, Jim Hensley CofGa & G&F

-- Jim Hensley (, April 12, 2003



The air tanks on the GP7s were gray (same as the roof color). They did tend to pick up alot of dirt and grease making them look dark. As best as I can tell, the horns on the GP7s were gray as well. On the F3s, the horns appear gray even though the roof area below the horns was black. On a few of my slides, especially on 901, the horns almost look metallic silver, but definitely not black.

-- Tom Alderman (, April 12, 2003.

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