I have a problem with the sound on my anime eps.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

well..... i need to no what the problem is and how to fix it. when i dl anime from kazaa most eps do not have sound, so..... if u can help u r welcome to. thx dnask8ter

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003


If the files are in AVI format, you can use a program called VirtualDub to see if there is actually any sound on them. Just open up the file in VirtualDub and wait for it to load. After it's done that tell it to save the wav. Then listen to the wav file and see if there's any sound.

Get VirtualDub at: http://www.virtualdub.org

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003

Or you can try downloading the appropriate codecs from divx.com. Or even use the Divx player if WMP is messing around with you.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003

If it's a quicktime file, you may not have the latest version.

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2003

i Know your problem, I had it to u just need to download Nimo codec pack seven. Here is the link http://www.softnews.ro/public/cat/11/2/2/11-2-2-12.shtml The site is slow but u can download from here.

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2003

After many many searches for the perfect codec pack, i finally came to a conclusion.... THERE JUST ISN'T A COMPLETE CODEC PACK. That's why I'm grateful to the makers of a program called GSpot. This tiny program identifies the codec needed to play a file, and then you can download it yourself. I prefer getting my own codecs rather thaninstalling a whole pack like Nimo. If you are playing an avi file and it's not complete, you won't ba able to watch it on WPM. Get another tiny program called divfix. It rebuild the index of a file allowing you to watch incomplete downloads.

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2003

what r u talking about the complete codec r easy to find.

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2003

i'm sorry, let me re-phrase that... ther is no PERFECT codec pack.

-- Anonymous, April 29, 2003

Nimo codec pack 5.1 has worked great for me :)

-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003

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