Any1 know where to get a windows media player/quicktime Inuyasha downloadl? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I don't have Real Player, so don't give me Note that I want a FREE and IMMEDIATE dl's (no waiting for a while to be approved for downloads, like AMV does) (okay to require a FREE membership to a RELIABLE site) I would appreciate it greatly if you gave me a way to download the ending theme. I don't really care if it has images or not. It had better be a GOOD dl plz! (i don't want to waste 3 hours dling a useless file, im sure you'll understand.)(Needs good sound quality) Please realize that I'm desperate AND (unfortunately) picky.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003


Okay don't get mad at me for saying this, but try some p2p programs like WinMX or Kazaa. They're absolutely free, require no kind of memberships, they've got all kinds of Inuayasha songs, and almost every file will play on Windows Media Player. There only drawback is they can be as slow as Christmas.

Oh yeah, if you have a freeloader account (which is absolutely free for one month no obligations at all) I can send you any of the title/ending themes you want. Just send me an email. ^_^

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003

For music fine Kazaa, WinMX is fine but not for any kind of vid file. Use bit torrent (only have the newest ones) or Direct Conect

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2003

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