Identification of Sculptor : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I recently purchased a sculpture made by Louis Beataux. If this is original, how much would it be worth. It is a woman made of white marble who is holding a mirror. I beleive it is art deco.

thankyou gina douglas

-- gina douglas (, April 30, 2003


I have one as well. Am curious too. Wish I could help you butam searching too. Let me know if you find anything and I will too.

-- kathryn p (, May 14, 2003.

I have one too - I would like to find out more about it. It has Louis Beataux on the back at the base. Note spelling Beataux. Is it marble or may be crushed re-constituted marble?

-- Rosalind Terry (, November 24, 2003.

I have a bronze plaque by Louis Beataux - cherubs in gilded frame - signed Louis Beataux Paris 1868 - we have a date ladies and gents!

-- collectamania (, December 13, 2003.

My husband bought one, as described by you, `marble lady with golden painted bottom and mirror on top fropm an auction. as we all don't know, but at least we can share the purchase price. He bought for £73.00

I will try to find more.

thanks grace

-- grace Cohli (, May 16, 2004.

I also bought a Louis Beataux sculpture which, from your desciption, would appear to be the same as yours. I believe the statue is faux marble, (reconstituted marble)with a gilt base. It is in very good condition and paid £50 which seems to me to be a bit of a bargain.

I have not managed to trace Mr Beataux so far and wondered if you had made any further progress since you first posted your question.

Thank you in anticipation.


John Douglas

-- John Douglas (, January 14, 2005.

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