Carbon Fiber - fit and finish : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Who sells the best carbon fiber for both Ducatis and MVs? I have bought carbon from Ferracci and Casoli. The fit and finish on most of Ferracci's parts were very good, unlike casoli's parts which needed extensive modification to get them to fit properly. The overall quality of Casoli’s parts was not to my standard. Has anyone bought parts from QBcarbon or Sebimoto? How is their fit & finish?

-- Andrew Randazzo (, May 05, 2003


Contact Martin at and he will help you. I think his supplier supplies MV with Carbon Parts.

-- A Spinner (, May 05, 2003.

QB's is awesome the best made

-- Peter trocco (, May 06, 2003.

I recently purchased carbon parts from QB and found the fit an finish to be excellent. I would definitely purchase more from them again.

-- C P (, May 06, 2003.

Some of us need lessons on CF before purchasing from QB.

-- ASpinner (, May 06, 2003.

TP from bought QB and not too happy with the parts. Check that forum out for more info.


-- D. Allen Nguyen (, May 08, 2003.

have purchase QB carbon for other bikes, fit an finish on first batch was 99% (1st run on a new model shape), they drop shipped me replacement parts within 2 weeks when I called with a complaint (never asked for old back). new pieces fit perfect and matched OEM quality 100% (even better in some aspects...a little thicker at edges). Sebimoto is a little rough around the edges, but light. Finish is not show quality like QB, should really be painted. Wouldn't buy anything from FBF, his shop is local to me, have never had a good experience in the store.

-- rhansen162 (, May 18, 2003.

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