bs player : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

How do you change or add subtittles?

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2003


What the heck is BS Player, and why is it better than WMP?

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2003

i just got bs player, and half the animes i have dont have sound with divx and wmp. But bs player now has sound and some way you can add your own subtitles

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2003

BSPlayer is great. You can download .sub files to run alongside films. I don't know how to creat your own subs (?), but with some animes, a seperate file is available that must be opened alongside the anime. I think it's from DVD rips, and the subs have been ripped seperately.

In BSplayer, right click the actual control panel of the player, and select Load subtitles (or press ctrl+L). Then simply select the sub file you wish to use and it will load into your film. After doing this, right click within the film window and goto "subtitles". Select a font and appropiate font size. Be careful not to make the font too large, or the subtitles will not fit into the screen in longer sentences (it doesn't use text wrapping).

Finally, you can either select the subtitle position "auto" or manually adjust it to your own positioning. You can also change the colour of the subs, although I find that white is perfectly adequate.

Alternatively, you can download a program called Subviewer. This automatically loads subtitles that are in the same folder as your film, and best of all, its FREE! goto for more information.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2003

with that i still cant get it to work

-- Anonymous, May 07, 2003

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