Piece Suggestions for Students

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Everything About Teaching and Learning the Piano : One Thread

1. I need to know what you would suggest for a 12 year old intermediate student who has been playing for 6 months. The student has just learned Bach's Eigth and First invention in a month's time.

-- Donnie Robinson (Dystord2@lycos.com), May 11, 2003


Wow! Six months of playing and ready to learn Bach's invention! You might have a future concert pianist under your hand. Anyone else who have had such fast learning students?

Anyway, try something like Beethoven Sonata Op. 49 No. 2. Or look into the Encore books.

-- Lisa (no_name_poster@yahoo.com), May 12, 2003.

Wow is right! Check into Keith Snell's books published by Kjos. There are books of individual composers, and also books divided into levels and eras (1-10 graded similarly to Royal Conservatory and Baroque/Classical and Romantic/20thC). He can be playing Bach, Scarlatti, Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart, Clementi, and I won't even start with the Romantic and 20th C stuff--too much to list! Lucky you!

-- anon (noname_poster@yahoo.com), June 14, 2003.

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