Is it true that.......... : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Is it true that kagome miroku and sango in inuyasha all die???????!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003


Did you know about a second and third movie, well if you would have look at the posting board a litle bit u would have find out that there is a second and third movie comming out this summer one DVD and the third one in Japan theater. And u would have find out that both the manga and the anime are NOT OVER YET, they are still running in Japan. So to answer your Question, I will let you think about it. But I suggest you see it for yourself dl it here < > but you need Bittorrent to get it. gl

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003


-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003

The world is a cruel place...

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003

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