Definition of a Natural Marriage : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Please give a definition of a Natural Marraige?

I thought that so called Marraiges were either valid (ie sacramental) or not in which case it is a de facto relationship.

What is meant when saying that a natural marrriage is real? I thought the only real marraiges were Sacramental/valid ones and that everyother realtionship like a marraige (Ie de-facto) was a sinfull one?

What is the Pauline Privelege?


-- Anthony P (, May 12, 2003


Response to Definition of a Natural Marraige


A sacramental marriage is one between two baptized persons. A natural marriage could be one in which at least one of the spouses is not baptized. For example, when two Buddhists marry, that is a natural marriage in the eyes of the Church but not a sacramental one.

The Pauline Privilege comes from the writings of St. Paul in the Epistles.

Imagine our two Buddhists I mentioned above. They are married. Now one of those Buddhists gets baptized. This newly baptized person could, according to St. Paul, when this marriage presents a danger of losing this new faith, marry another baptized person. The act of this new marriage itself breaks the bond of the previous union.

The Pauline privilege also involves two unbaptized persons, one of whom converts. However, if the other spouse also converts then the privilege cannot be utilized.

Hope that's helpful.

-- Fr. Michael Skrocki, JCL (, May 12, 2003.

Response to Definition of a Natural Marraige

Whats with all the marriage threads on here at the moment?

Hey Anthony I see youre asking lots of marriage questions, whats the deal... How many wives can one man have?! Why the interest in marriage law, do you mind me asking?

-- Kiwi (, May 12, 2003.

Response to Definition of a Natural Marraige

Dear Kiwi,

It is a fact that marriage is under attack these days. Why not talk about it? It is better to argue or discuss it that to accept those in second and thrird marriages without telling them the scandal they are knowingly part of and the damage it does.

The reality and impact of sin is all but lost as is the reality that ideas themselves have consequences and accepting untruth without pointing out errors is in and of itself, sin.

Toleration is abused at the expense of justice.

It is not someting to giggle about although sometimes the intensity of a debate or argument really does call for a break and some humor so that those on the same side of the real issues can realize that they may STRONGLY disagree on nuances(which are very important themselves) but are on the SAME SIDE in the BIG BATTLE.


-- Karl (, May 12, 2003.

Response to Definition of a Natural Marraige

Dear Karl thanks I didnt mean to demean marriage in anyway. I was just really expressing my surprise at the number of marriage/annulment threads. Ive been reading here for a while and never seen so many, its like a marriage Q and A forum. I was wondering why the sudden upturn in "demand" had occured.

As for laughter I agree..

"He is a sane man who can have tragedy in his heart and comedy in his head."

GK Chesterton

-- Kiwi (, May 12, 2003.

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