Streamload?? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Hi, ive been reading alot about Streamloads in this forum, but I have no idea what it is. Can someone pls enlighten me?? Thanks!

BTW, i know this is out of place, but if anyone is a fan of the comedy "Whose Line is it Anyway", can you pls tell me where do i go to download it (on mirc preferred)?? =P

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2003


First thing you have to do is go to and get a freeloader account. Then request some files from someone/a request site (just email me if you want) and try downloading them. I'm sure you can get that comedy you like on streamload too. If you like the streamload service, you can opt to get a paying account. The difference is that as a freeloader you have a limit of 100 MB, 10 MB/file you download, and then that's it, you either have to open another freeloader account or else start paying. But it's a CHEAP service and you really get what you pay for.

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2003

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