GTO Manga scans : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

does any1 know where i can get GTO manga scans?

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2003


yeah, this is a really good site for lots of things or (it's one of them)

have fun! although gto's quite perverted, so i don't recommend young kids to view it

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2003

How perverted is "quite"? Is it that they show and do perverted stuff or do they merely suggest it? And is it as funny as people say?

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2003

thehun is a porn site, you will not find GTO there! GTO is being released by Tokyopop, Volumn 10 is the latest one. No group is releasing GTO scans at the moment since it's licensed. There was a group translating it, but only up to Volumn 8, you are better off buying the TokyoPop version.

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2003

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