looking for the cheapest slide printer possible

greenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

I am looking to buy my first slide printer. I've done polaroid transfers before using the Vivitar at my school's photo lab.

My main concern right now is cost.

Is the Vivitar definitely the least expensive?

Can anybody recommend websites, stores, etc. to find the least expensive one possible? (Used is OK...)


-- miriam (mmackerman@hotmail.com), May 20, 2003


Check ebay for Vivitar Slide Printers. You can usually get them for under $100 there.

-- ljc (ljcefali@aol.com), May 21, 2003.

I recently purchased a Daylab 35 slide printer @ calumet.com for $150.00 + shipping. Calumet also included 2 packs of 669 film (a $40.00 value). Daylab printers are less complicated and easier to use vs the Vivitar models. Daylab.com sells slide printers and accessories directly. Go to their website and view their product selection. The best price I have found on new 669 film is at uniquephoto.com @ $18.85 per 20 pack.

-- Elisabeth Brown (elisabethebrown@yahoo.com), May 22, 2003.

Unique Photo also has the Daylab 35 for $135.00. This is the least expensive price I have found.

-- ljc (ljcefali@aol.com), May 22, 2003.

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