Subject Access Rights? : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

Dear fellow sufferers, can anyone tell me what documentaion falls under this legislation? I have served the same company twice now, well over 100 days ago!!! and they say they have no documents to give me which are covered by this legislation?!!! If anyone has an address or name of somewhere I can get information regarding this, please let me know.

Many thanks,


-- Monika Murphy (, May 21, 2003


In which case they cannot make a claim without proof to the court!!! thats ridiculous, how can you pay something they cant even prove!

-- neil (, May 21, 2003.

Telephone the IC on 01625-545700.

State your circumstances first, that you are under presure/stress, and you require immediate assistance/advice regarding this issue.

They are helpful at teh IC on such issues, and they will advise you.

What they will not do, is anything about it. Having discussed your concern they will ask you to submit an Assessment Request to the IC. Once submitted the Assessment can/could take a long time to complete.

But, its a required action, and its something that you can maybe use if the matter comes to court; The IC are investigating this illegal refusal to provide my data.

Hope this helps.

regards, MLJ

-- Michael (, May 22, 2003.

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