Annual GDP for France and Germany since 1945 : LUSENET : Economic History (and Related Observations) : One Thread

I need annual gdp for France and Germany since 1945 to at least 1989.



-- Benji (, May 21, 2003


yall are all fags

-- dfwefews fewfsef efwsfsfes (, May 03, 2004.

y u sad monkey its not that exciting

-- fsds (, November 18, 2003.

i was wondering if you got that list of gdp and gdp growth rates of france. if you do so please forward to me to

-- (, December 02, 2003.

i want gdp of france

-- ashraf salah hegab (, December 17, 2003.

Its about 450 i think, from 1945 right through til present

-- Alan Keytwat (, March 26, 2004.

-- MJ (, October 27, 2004.

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