Italian vendor is looling for distributors for espresso coffee : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread |
Italian vendor is looking for distributors for his espresso coffee machines with espresso coffee capsules. made in italy, italian design.
-- design (, May 29, 2003
Dear Sir/Madam ,We are company "DUO SISTEM",Belgrade - Serbia and we are very interested to distributing coffee capsules in our area,Serbia/Montenegro. Please send us more information ,details,commercial terms etc.
Our address is : "DUO SISTEM "d.o.o Prvomajska 28/1 11080 Zemun,Serbia /Montenegro
Best regards ,
Pavlovic Nebojsa gen. manager
-- Pavlovic Nebojsa (pavika@eunet.yu), June 02, 2003.
Hello, Can you provide more information please? Thanks, -Tom
-- Tom Hamilton (, August 19, 2003.
Please send more info about the coffe capsules distribuitor op. TY.
-- Liviu Vlaic (, February 14, 2004.
Hi, we are interested in distributing your coffee machines in New Zealand, plese send us furter information.
-- pranil bilimoria (, March 06, 2004.