help, new at this. : LUSENET : MILDOT : One Thread

Hi all. Just got my first hand gun and found myself falling in love with the sport. I'm looking into getting a sniper rifle but don't know which one to start with? Does any one know which rifle and scope is good to start with? Is Remington 700 a good one for starters and does any one know if there is a good training school at northern cali?

-- arnold chao (, June 04, 2003


Hey Arnold, Welcome aboard and glad to hear that you enjoy shooting. As for your question about a "sniper rifle". A sniper rifle is any rifle a sniper uses effectively. If you want to learn about shooting and want a quality rifle that is a diffrent story. Start with the best you can afford and afford to feed, alot (the second part is important). Get into local competitions (highpower, smallbore and silouett are all god choices) held in your area and learn how to shoot. If you throw around the word sniper alot the real ones will avoid you and the ones that will tell you how good they are are full of s*&t. Just a thought or two.


-- Craig (, June 12, 2003.

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