Maybe dumb question, but i don't know : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

hey everyone lol..well i don't know if this a dumb question or not, but i have to ask. i've seen this in a lot of messages and i don't know what it is/means. What is Hentai(i think that is how it is spelled). some sort of anime, or anime genre? thanks eveyrone


-- Anonymous, June 05, 2003


Hentai is literally Japanese for pervert/perversion. It is used to describe any anime that is similar to porn only animated. ^_^

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2003

Let's just say that hentai is anime porno... ecchi [I think I spelled it right] would be soft porn, so to speak (suggestive situations/semi-nudity, etc).

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2003

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