Could anyone pleeeeeeeaaase help me? I would like to know where to download 'Through The Years And Far Away' from Hoshi No Koe (Voices Of A Distant Star)?? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I've searched Kazaa, Grokster and the web... to no avail. Any help available would be greatly appreciated.. thanx!

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2003


I have the OVA or something of that on my computer, and more than likely on streamload. I got it from Yue's Media when it still existed. If you have streamload and would like it sent to you either e-mail me, or do a search for Atom's Anime (which is what kinda took over for Yue's Media) and look around there for the lists of freeloader stuff.

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003

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