what the hell is this site?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

ya all r werid

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2003


Yo as far as i can tell u post and hope people can answer.

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2003

You have horrible spelling and you just seem annoying

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2003

This is a forum for anime. Ususally people asking where they can find episode, mp3s, or pictures. I try to answer questions.

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2003

By The Way, visit my site and post on my forums. For some reason they're dead. And because no one is posting I don't post. http://anilinkzforums.cjb.net

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2003

someone needs to take more spelling lessons

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2003

i was just trying to get going!!!!!!!!i can spell fine you paedophiles

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2003

what the hell is... that word you just said?

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003

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