GPS Map of Malaysia & : LUSENET : Mountain Bike Hash Forum : One Thread |
Hi,A small group of us have made a GPS map of Malaysia & Singapore which is uploadable on Garmin map units (76S, V etc). This has been a labour of love of a Singaporean who have now got others to join in the fray. The bulk of KL was drawn in by me and it now even includes bike trails - well only one so far but it's a start! If you view the map, you will find partial trails of Kemensah added to the Malaysia map. Now 2 things :
1. If you'd like to contribute track files of your BIKE TRAILS, just drop me an email with a description of the trail and i'll update the map accordingly.
2. If you have track files of ROADS of where you live - you can send them in too and i'll add it in if its not already in the map.
For normal roads I would prefer tracks that are made with accuracy of around 7m. Offroad trails tak kisah the accuracy cos its gonna be approximate only.
3. You can upload the map to Garmin using a util called "sendmap". All the links are provided below. You have to shell to dos to upload. IT DOES NOT RUIN YOUR BASEMAP. It will however ERASE any maps that you have uploaded to memory. I have done this a million times with my Garmin V and it still works perfect. Ditto with 76S.
The map is also viewable through Mapsource - but you need to edit your registry. Email me if you need instructions.
Now for the non-techies 1. If you want to upload the map to Garmin - just D/L "sendmap" 2. If you want to view the map on PC - D/L "mapedit" 3. If you want to edit and compile your own map - D/L "cgpsmapper"
I'd suggest that you D/L mapedit and just browse the map. A lot of POI's are in there as well esp KL area. **Remember to press "0" (ZERO) when you load the map on mapedit.** For full instructions read here :
This is the link to the latest map which has been compiled to img format. It's more uptodate than the one on :
Depending on your browser, one of these links should work. Flyer MY03/mal23e.img
-- adil (, June 24, 2003
I don't get access to the file mal23e.img. Can someone mail it to me ?Regards, Tom
-- tom Schroeter (, July 23, 2003.
Its in the mail. Its now mal23g with 2/3 of Langkawi plotted in.
-- adil (, July 23, 2003.
I can't get access to the MSN group to download the map. Can someone kindly send the file to me... thanks.
-- inuex (, August 19, 2003.
Hi,could you please send me the most up to date version of kuala lumpur..I'm visiting this great city in march.
Thanks Mangler
-- Mangler (, November 03, 2003.
hi,I have problem accessing from msn, anyone managed to get a copy? kindly send me one. thanks :)
-- Then (, November 09, 2003.
I don't think you can directly use the link above. Instead try to go to and then click on the link in that page to get the img file.
-- Lewis (, November 12, 2003.
Hi. A new mirror has been setup for you to download the map. It also contains some other files if you want it to work with Mapsource apart from some FAQs.
-- adil (, November 13, 2003.