Car names or numbers : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I want to build two CofG coaches used in the Seminole and need to know what cars were used and thier numbers. I have two sets of CofG (IC stye lettering) left and wanted to do two different types of coaches to list on ebay.I also plan to put interior in them and need dimentional drawings. I have the diagram book, but don't know which cars were in IC colors.Can anyone help on this subject?

-- Michael R. Stamey (, June 28, 2003


Cars 527 and 651 both carried IC colors. We repainted 651 for the New Georgia but 527 is still in (very faded) IC dress. Both are at the Southeastern Railway museum in Duluth Ga.

-- Jamie Reid (, June 29, 2003.

Mike, the CofG coaches I saw in IC colors included 506, 526, 528, 531, 627, and 630. There could have been others. Good luck on building these, then get back to your proper subjects, the ACL and SAL.....

-- Larry Goolsby (, June 28, 2003.

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