Questions : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

There are hundreds of religions in the world, so why do you assume that Christianity is in fact the correct religion when you have never seen Jesus, God, Heaven, or anything like that? If you would ask, every religion would claim to be the right one, but only one can be correct and how can Christians be sure that it's not Hinduism or Satan-Worship?

-- Ethan Smith (, June 28, 2003


Also, Is it possible that the devout Catholic, Adolph Hitler, could be in heaven if he had truly repented prior to his death?

-- Ethan Smith (, June 28, 2003.

Hey Ethan, I don't have to see all of the stuff to believe in God. That is why it is called faith. Believing without seeing is what true faith is all about. Thomas had to see to believe but Jesus said that the people that are truely blessed are the people that believe without seeing. Also for D.O. Why do you continue to post things like that. If you want to say stuff like that I am sure that you can find many anti- Catholic forums out there. What if I went to a forum for your "religion" and posted crap like that. Do you rely think that what you have to say matters when it is crap like that? Also, how do you know that I am going to hell? Who made you God?

-- Scott (, June 28, 2003.

Yes it is possible that Hitler went to heaven. God in his infinite mercy can send anyone to Heaven. That is why he is all merciful. That is why God gave us great gifts like purgatory. There are only two people in hell that the Chruch knows off. Judas and some Italian that was around during the Renaissance.

-- Scott (, June 28, 2003.

Old mistake. Adolf was baptized into the Catholic Church, but rejected Christianity before joining the National Socialist party.

He was NEVER "a devout Catholic". He never practiced his faith - never claimed to be a Catholic, never claimed to be inspired by the Catholic faith.

-- Joe (, June 28, 2003.

In order to believe in any religion, one must first believe there is God.

If one believes, one must look at what our ancestors have said, written and learned about God.

The Bible is a library of books about how God has revealed himself to man.

If one reads the Bible, one gets an understanding through the totality of the writings.

How those teaching relate to the modern man can best be explained by the teachings of a Church. The Catholic Church has been in existance since the time of Jesus Christ. So you have 2000 years of scholastic, institutional knowledge from which to gain.

God's mercy is boundless. Can a person repent even at the last minute, absolutely.

Hitler was baptized as a Catholic, but he was not a practising Catholic.

Was Hitler a devout anything? -- history tells us no.

Extrapolating from what we do know, I would doubt Hitler made it into the Glory of God.

God Bless,

-- john placette (, June 28, 2003.

I'm trying to convert my atheist friends and I don't really know how to go about it. I'm not a Catholic, but I think you guys can help.

-- Ethan Smith (, June 28, 2003.

I've found that most atheist respond to logic.

There is logic to believing that something "designed" the universe.

We might not understand it (God), but it's there.

Intelligent design is one concept. There are several books on it.

If you jump that hurdle. Then the reading of the Bible, IN IT"S TOTALITY, comes next. What have we learned from God and about God through the ages.

Go from there.

I'm sorry but I must leave. I'll check back on the thread as soon as I can.

God Bless,

-- john placette (, June 28, 2003.

Ethan, say you go to two doctors; Doctor X and Doctor Y. Doctor X diagnosis you with a life threating illness that can only be cured with Treatment A. Doctor Y diagnosis you with a common cold that can be cured with Treatment B. You'd be a fool not to give Doctor X the first priority. Same with Christianity, what does being an athiest have to offer? Nothing. What does Christianity have to offer? Eternal Life.

-- David Ortiz (, June 28, 2003.

Thanks john.

-- Ethan Smith (, June 28, 2003.

It is certainly possible that the ATHEIST Hitler could have been saved, had he repented and turned to Catholicism before his death. It happened to other mass murderers, like Saul. Why not Hitler? Unfortunately there is no evidence that Hitler had any such conversion experience.

-- Paul (, June 28, 2003.

1) Ask your friend if they want truth, only truth and nothing but the truth -- no matter WHERE that leads. (Hopefully they will say yes) 2) Ask your friend if he or she is willing to respond to what is shown to them as a response to this prayer. (Again, hopefully, again they will say yes.

Then the prayer would go something like this: Heavenly Father, I know that you exist. I see you in your creation, in the face of a child, in the hum of a bird, but my friend has many doubts. I ask Lord that you reveal yourself to my friend. That you would give my friend discernment, wisdom to hear your voice and feel your touch. I ask you to silence the voice of Satan and his minions and only allow your truth to shine. My friend expresses a desire to know the truth, and I ask you to pour the grace of your truth upon his or her eyes so that he or she may see.



-- Gail (, June 28, 2003.

I think Ethan and his responders here have touched on probably the most important question for the Church in the next century. (And Gail probably had the most effective answer). However, the 'Pascal's Wager' thing, IMO, is suspicious.

The problem is that the modern life is very compartmentalized. "This is my intellectual world; this is my religious world, and never the twain shall meet." Sure, you might be able to make someone a little uncomfortable with D.O.'s thing, but the truth is that most non-religious people already have those sorts of thoughts anyway, and have probably developed defenses in the same way bacteria resist antibiotics.

A quick note (and an apology for jumping into really bad pedantic nonsense): I learned in intro-epistemolgogy that the two most common modern ways of thinking, foundationalism and coherentism, are flawed. Foudnationalism says that all knowledge is based on a few, select, priviledged, innately knowable facts and coherentism says that all knowledge is based on itself, and the fundemental criterion is cohesion. Both are a little true, but mostly wrong.

Knowledge and belief is very strongly dependent on basic assumptions which themselves may beg for proof but that we set aside to make knowledge possible. There can be no questions about history without the assumption that history exists. There can be no astronomy without believing that the sky is more than we can see with our naked eyes.

Knowledge is contextual. (I used to see the word 'contextual' and read 'relativist' but that's not what it means). All it means is that evangelization draws its life from every part of human friendship, not just logic, not just argument, but every part of the complex organism of human (and ultimately, divine) relationship.

In short (too late!), in answer to Ethan's question, the justification of our faith in Jesus Christ is MUCH BIGGER than merely our information. 'Facts' and 'proofs' are contingent details to what is basic and living inside all of us--the love of our founder, who _died_ and yet _lives_ with us now.

-- Skoobouy (, June 28, 2003.


All we need is a miracle to prove His existence or faith.

We can spend our entire life waiting for a miracle and then decide if indeed it is a miracle or simply have faith.

We can search our entire life for answers and decide to believe what we've discovered or simply have faith.

We can have faith our entire life and witness the fruits of that faith in Christ.

rod... . . .

-- rod (, June 28, 2003.

Ethan, The woman that nurse you and take care of you when you were a baby which you call her mother. Are you sure she is your mother or have you ever seen her giving birth to you? I am sure you call her mother because you have the faith in her to call her so, after knowing very well that you never saw her giving birth to you. So, must we see inorder to believe? Butif you have the eyes of faith you will be able to see God in all things and in all situation.

God Bless

-- (, June 30, 2003.

Of course Hitler *could* be in Heaven, that's not for us to decide. I wouldn't bet on a death-bed repentence though, you might not make it to your deathbed, and it would have to be a *sincere*. God can see through someone hedging their bets.


-- Someone (, June 30, 2003.

a peripheral point in the overall context, but you should know that Hitler committed suicide; and, whilst that's not to say that every suicide "victim" is in hell, it would appear to me that a man that ranks second only to Joe Stalin in the Hall of Abominables most likely did not kill himself through guilt or some other human emotion that might vitiate the mortal nature of the sin of suicide. i am, therefore, "fairly" certain that Adolf and Joe will be suffering for an eternity. i am, however, 100% certain, that it is Our Lord - and not i that - shall make that decision.

anyways, the original post said this:-

"There are hundreds of religions in the world, so why do you assume that Christianity is in fact the correct religion when you have never seen Jesus, God, Heaven, or anything like that? If you would ask, every religion would claim to be the right one, but only one can be correct and how can Christians be sure that it's not Hinduism or Satan-Worship?"

my short and unhelpful response is this: Luck. if you are into a faith system other than than the CAtholic faith system, or if you are born into no faith system, then i believe that you are in a extremely alarming manner exposed to the same fate as Herr Hitler and Tovarish Stalin

-- Ian (, June 30, 2003.

I don't think Hitler would kill himself, I think he was assassinated. Either way, if he abandoned his faith why can't we be sure if he's in hell? Isn't it safe to say if one hears the gospel and rejects will go to hell? Or will it be based on your works?

-- Ethan (, June 30, 2003.

What can happen to one's spirit, will, and faith in a split of a second?

We don't know what Hitler experienced in that split of a second.

rod... .. .

-- rod (, June 30, 2003.

Christ was a Jew, and his disciples were also. Why then were the gospels written in Greek?

-- Ethan (, July 01, 2003.

People moved around. If the big city is where a person can build a life and family, one must move and adapt. Those in power have their language and those who must survive learn the language.

I grew up speaking spanish. When I started school, it was forbidden to speak my spanish. Instead, it was mandated that we speak only english. Mi abuela se macho y nunca apredio ingles. Mi abuelo tuvo much orgullo cuando se aprendio hablar y leer el ingles.

rod. ....

-- rod (, July 01, 2003.

What is the correct interpretation of John 6:54: 'Whosoever eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day'?

-- Ethan (, July 07, 2003.

We know, Ethan, but do you?

-- eugene c. chavez (, July 07, 2003.

Ethan, according to one Catholic commentator (Poe) on John 6 -----

"Jesus ... begins the second part of His discourse where he reveals the true nature of His Eucharistic Presence: 'I am the Bread of Life. (John 6:48) He then reminds them that it is different than the Manna from Heaven, which could only satisfy temporal, physical hunger. In John 6:51-52 he shows that he is the living bread from heaven, that if any man eat of his flesh, he will have eternal life. The people are shocked and disgusted by His Words. (John 6:53) If Jesus had meant something symbolic or metaphorical about His words, he would have explained them, as He did in His many parables. Instead, in John 6:54-59, he re-affirms his previous statement in even more concrete and graphic terms five more times. He is not speaking symbolically. His 'flesh is meat indeed;' (John 6:56) Jesus is speaking of that which shall be fullfilled at the Last Supper when He says 'This is my Body' and 'This is my Blood' (Matthew 26:26-28), and the bread and wine become His Body and His Blood for the same reason light was made when He said 'Be light made' (Genesis 1:3)"

Ethan, you are reflecting on the most important chapter of the Bible that a non-Catholic, such as yourself, can study. Perhaps you are beginning to realize that you need the Bread of Life. At some point, you will realize that the Bread of Life, the real substantial presence of Jesus, can be found only where men can be validly ordained as priests -- the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox churches (and a few other small religious bodies).

-- CtM (it@matters.not), July 07, 2003.

Hi Ethan.

You really should get all of the symbolic meaning from John 6. Get it all and apply it to your everyday experiences. Then, make the journey to understand the literal meaning. This journey will truly open your mind. It is a mystery that will lead you to bigger understandings of your faith. The Jews couldn't understand because they were still thinking in terms of the flesh and could not put it together with the spirit. They could not understand that Jesus was the way to eternal life. It just wouldn't sink in. I think that the symbolism will make it easier to understand the real-ness of "transubstantiation".

rod. . .

-- rod (, July 07, 2003.

I don't know, I'm just trying to get answers. I have just been a Christian for about 3 months.

-- Ethan (, July 07, 2003.

Hi Ethan, I'm not sure of anyone answered this for you, but Greek was the street language of the day -- coine Greek to be exact. Therefore, the N.T. was simply written in the language of the day, i.e., Greek.

You asked why is Christianity so special above all others. Simply put -- JESUS!. It is because Christ is the ONLY Savior of the world. He was crucified. He did rise from the dead. Many Many Many eyewitness accounts have given testimony to this. Christ fullfilled every single OT prophecy concerning Messiah. This is mathematically impossible if He were not who He said He was. All other 'gods' are still in the grave. Buddha, still in the grave and cannot cure sin. Mohammed is still in the grave and cannot cure sin.

JESUS is the only cure for sin!

A really good book on the authenticity of Christ and His claims is "A Case for Christ" by Lee Stroebel. Lee was a tough minded Chicago newspaper man who began to investigate the claims of Christ after his wife's conversion. He came at the story with all the skepticism of a journalist. The end result -- he became a Christian. It's a great book, a fast read, and you won't get lost in theological mickmash.



-- Gail (, July 08, 2003.

really good book on the authenticity of Christ and His claims is "A Case for Christ" by Lee Stroebel. Lee was a tough minded Chicago newspaper man who began to investigate the claims of Christ after his wife's conversion. He came at the story with all the skepticism of a journalist. The end result -- he became a Christian. It's a great book, a fast read, and you won't get lost in theological mickmash.


-- CATI AN (Flower@youknow.coM), July 13, 2003.

You ask me how I know He lives? He lives withing my heart!!!!

Read Lee Stroebel's book A CASE FOR CHRIST. He was trying to prove that Christianity couldn't be real. He turned his life over to Christ. God came in the form of a man (Jesus) to be the one sacrifice for all. Now when He looks at me He sees me through Jesus because I am covered with His blood. How great to know that I will live with Him forever! Having hope that there is more to this existence than this life on Earth gets me through each day. Christianity is the only religion that is about a relationship...not a religion. You can not take Jesus out of the equation. He loves you, Ethan and wants to reign on the throne of your life. Let Him!

-- Laurie Hanzal (, January 30, 2004.

Hi, Scot

on 6/28-"..There are two people in hell that the Church knows of Judas and ..."

As Mateo told me before, things don't look to good for Judas, but the Church has never said he is in Hell because we realy don't know.

-- - (, January 30, 2004.

If you would ask, every religion would claim to be the right one, but only one can be correct and how can Christians be sure that it's not Hinduism or Satan-Worship?

Indeed , a very good & intelligent question !!

I'm trying to convert my atheist friends and I don't really know how to go about it. I'm not a Catholic, but I think you guys can help.

-- Ethan Smith (, June 28, 2003.


That's what my dad also said about my friends , otherwise they weren't welcome ?? __ So , you can guess what my reaction was !!

I don't know, I'm just trying to get answers. I have just been a Christian for about 3 months.

-- Ethan (, July 07, 2003.

And now , you , you are converted , I don't get it ??


It is certainly possible that the ATHEIST Hitler could have been saved, had he repented and turned to Catholicism before his death. It happened to other mass murderers, like Saul. Why not Hitler? Unfortunately there is no evidence that Hitler had any such conversion experience.

-- Paul (, June 28, 2003.

And how do you know that ??

hitler , one of Earths'most hated persons , I'm glad that this neurotic psychopatic vomithead is death !! __ That's what it deserved ; besides I will NEVER forgive & forget what this true *ssh*l* has done to our world ?? __ The same counts for mussolini & stalin , just as for a few nutheads of today and maybe tomorrow !!


Salut & Cheers from a NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG (.@...), January 31, 2004.

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