WANTED F4 wheels

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Looking for a set of F4 rims to buy for racing, Does anyone have any or know of any for sale. Cheers (kiwi) Bret

-- Bret Martin (rat@paradise.net.nz), June 29, 2003


Hi Bret,

What events will you be racing in ??


-- Matt Thompson (matthewt@nitor.co.nz), June 29, 2003.

someone was selling a set of wheels for 1800 US. Go to ebay. It should still be on there.

-- aspinner (agusta_spinner@hotmail.com), June 29, 2003.

I have a new set of alum OEM F4 take off wheels and a set of carbon fiber BST wheels (WERA and CCS approved).

-- Martin (martin@motowheels.com), June 29, 2003.

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