Are all these canidates for bishop called : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

this upcoming election will be what makes or breaks our zion. with the number of slots open everybody has been playing this thing like the lottery. everytime you look up you see different canidates campaigning. no one ever has a chance to ask these canidates question on where they satnd on the current issues. just as careful we are to elect our mayors etc we should even be more careful on who we elect as our leaders of our zion. not about who they are or where they are from the best person for the job period. God Bless i'm praying for a holy Ghost takeover you should too.

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003


I agree with you Pastor, everyday it seems a new name is added and we never get the opportunity to be presented with an open forum to see where these men and women stand as future leaders. Are they doing it for the title , money and all the benefits that comes along? What about the churches that need pastors that are real leaders, what about all those lost souls that are wondering the streets and those that are in churches? What are the values and the strengths and weaknesses of these whom will be leading us into the next century? You think you are confuse, so am I?

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003

Is every candidate running for the office of Bishop heeding a call from the Lord? Let's pray about that. Also, I think that candidates for the office of Bishop should do more than talk about their accomplishments as pastors. They should have a clearly defined platform or vision concerning where God is leading them and where God wants them to lead the A.M.E.Church. That kind of platform might help to determine who is called and who is chosen.

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003

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