I need help, there's no seed for a Bit Torrent Download please help!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Ok...i am currently downloading and anime call hajime no ippo from the group infusion. The problem is there's no seed, and i think many ppl at that download have like 99% or the file done. So if anyone have the ep of 38 or 39 from infusion, plz connect to the following site??? so that there could b a seed, so people can finish downloading???


thx in advance!!!!

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2003


Ya know? I've never had a problem getting the complete file from BT when there is no seed. It's odd, I know... since it shouldn't be able to work that way due to program design... but every time I've DLed a file with no seeder, I end up getting the whole thing. Wait to see what happens... I'm curious. But, to answer your question, sorry, no, I do not have those files.

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2003

i also never hav problem downloading files with no seeds, esp when there's enuh pp downloading. i think the trick is, everyone's downloaded different parts of the file so even when there's no completed downloads, u can still get your uncompleted parts from others who're also downloading at the moment. my advice is, just leave the download on n u'll ultimately get your file, unless u're the only one trying to download...n no, i dun hav the file too...

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2003

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