This is not to scare u, but to warn u : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

you can believe but i swear this is true. My friend go caugt on kazza for downloading illegal music he is know susupended from the internet for a year and has to pay a 2000 dollar fine. I swear i,m not making this up,

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2003


he wasnt fined for downloading it

he was fined for having it available for other people to download


-- Anonymous, July 06, 2003

yeah thats what i meant

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2003

:) its easy enough to avoid

when you download an MP3, just move it to another folder, so its not being shared

or, go to your options in whatever P2P program you're using, and disable sharing(bit extreme, but the safest way)


-- Anonymous, July 06, 2003

ya, but some people cancel if you dont share. and do they only target mp3? email me to help

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2003

i think they are only targeting music files (*.mp3, *.wma, *.m3u, *.mp2, and so forth)
dont take my word for it though, it's only a guess :)

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2003

A quote from - "To gather evidence against P2P users who make illegal downloading possible, the RIAA will be using software that scans the public directories available to any user of a peer-to- peer network. These directories, which allow users to find the material they are looking for, list all the files that other users of the network are currently offering to distribute. When the software finds a user who is offering to distribute copyrighted music files, it downloads some of the infringing files, along with the date and time it accessed the files."

They only mention music files, but who knows...

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2003

I use beashare for all my music only. I move all my music to another folder and still get to download all the music I want its great. I do not get cancelled.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

currently though this only works with america. europeans and japanese are safe.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

for once i'm glad i'm not living in america...

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

unfortunately their area of influence may expand, but may be hard since they are targeting 2 countries, while areas like europe have more than 15 that need to co-operate, and many may not agree since it is a violation of privacy (i think the us is only backing it cos they have a specific law referring to this as their market loses out a lot on movies and music)

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

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