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hey hey i jus finished watchinf ranma first 2 seasons....but my friend says love hina is better...which oen is better?

also in ranma is there n e episode or video where they admit they lvoe eachother and KISS!!! IF NTO WHICH EPISODE OR MOVIE IS THE CLOSEST ONE TO IT??

plz aswer bak

also if n e one live int eh area code 909 where can i rent ANIME?

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003


Yay Vietnamese! Personally, I think Love Hina is better because it has a satisfactory ending. Ranma just drags on and on, and then everything becomes repetitive. And I don't think they ever admit their love for each other. (I've watched everything except for the last 10 episodes of season 7 because they're impossible to find). There's an episode list/guide at www.tvtome.com but the site seems down at the moment..

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

i guess u can tell im viet lolz...lolz THERES NO LOVE ENDING?? *tear* are they still making more episodes?? liek season finale or ne thing??

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

ranma & love hina r like 2 different kinds of comedy. love hina is more to the romantic comedy side while ranma is like funny-all-the- way-but-hack-care-the-plot kind...if u know what i mean. i stop watching ranma after i realise they may never really admit (not least get MARRIED!!). the story just drags on. imagine...7 seasons! what's there to show plot-wise??

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

SOME SPOILERS!!!(just want to make sure)

The closet thing u'll ever find to that would be the end of the Saffron fight. My memory is fuzzy on it, but I know Ranma comes damn close to saying "i love u" if he doesn't(keep in mind if he did, Akane was knocked out so she didn't hear) o.o

Also there supposedly is a wedding ep(only the wedding gets crashed)

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

lol, in the manga ranma says he loves her, but then he cant remember saying it!!!! (LOL) as for the series i dunno, but it follows the manga pretty closely.

but love hina is better cos the animation + story are better, and the humour involved is much funnier and less repetitive. ranma is still a good series though

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

whats manga ranma? whats MANGA

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

and the saffrons fight what episode iss dat liek season?

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

If you want to see Ranma and Akane as a lovey-dovey couple, watch season 7 episode 9 - "Let's Go to the Mushroom Temple".

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

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