Empangan Tasik Subang

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountain Bike Hash Forum : One Thread

We are thinking of joining the July hash ride in Empangan Tasik Subang. We have never done a hash and this would be our first mountain biking experience. What can we expect?

-- Lety O'Connor (loconnor@ssafara.net), July 21, 2003


Well, not much actually. Just that it would be tonnes of FUN! and FUN! then MORE FUN! Oops, got carried away there for awhile. On the serious side, the rides are very interesting in that you not only just ride but also have to decide which is the correct route to go. mostly, the rides are HOT! So be prepared with plenty of water, but the hares do know how to please a crowd with their awesome trail selections. Hope I will be able to make it this weeked myself!

-- alex c. tseung (alex_chin_41@hotmail.com), July 21, 2003.

The bike hash is a blast. And it's non-competitive, so you can ride as hard or as slowly as you like. That said, as Alex suggests, being prepared with lots of water is a must. 2 litres minimum.

If you haven't already done so, check out the bike hash FAQ.

-- Joe (joeadnan@yahoo.com), July 21, 2003.

The heat during this hash was really something coupled with the still air and unshaded climbs!

-- adil (adil@uemworld.com), July 27, 2003.

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