Senna Owners : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I want to include a section on my web site, for other Senna owners around the world, I would welcome pictures of you and your senna along with the edition number, I can start to build an album of the 300! then

my e-mail address is

If you know any senna owners, please can you pass this on

-- Martin Smith (, July 21, 2003


Martin, I will send a couple of photos via email. Val on this same site has one too. He will see and respond I'm sure. Cool idea, thanks for the effort. BTW, mine is #152.

-- greg petersen (, July 21, 2003.

Martin, tried to email you, did not go through. Email me and see if we can try it again.

-- greg petersen (, July 21, 2003.

My MV Senna #176. I'll be glad to send some pics.

-- Andrew Randazzo (, July 22, 2003.

Martin, I've emailed you details of mine and my web site - my Senna number is 89 and based in the UK

-- Dave (, July 22, 2003.

BTW - if any of you have looked at my site and looked at the Senna and think it looks familiar, this bike was the one featured in the Suprbike Article last year against the 998R and the Benelli Tornado before anybody asks ! :-)

-- Dave (, July 22, 2003.

Nice idea....Senna #68

-- val alparaque (, July 23, 2003.

Hey - great idea. #188. Dave - that was a great article. Nice to see that the Senna kicks the 998R's and Benelli's asses :-) Loved the red seat so much got one myself.

-- Michael Hunck (, July 23, 2003.

Hello Martin Just had to let somebody else know I had one of these works of art! It has got to be one the best bikes every produced from the forks to the swinging arm every component is special. And put together its just fantastic. Sorry listen to be going on and on, but I love it so much. My bike is 145 and has covered around 2000 miles now and is getting better and better. Will be going to my first trackday on it in September its at Cadwell Park on the 24/09/03 so fingers crossed nothing bad happens!!!!! So if all goes well I will get some action shots for you.

Do you know of any meetings for us Senna owners in the UK?



-- Mark Roxburgh (, July 29, 2003.

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