I AM GOD!!!!!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I am God and you will all worship me!! Ha,ha,ha,! I most likely will go to hell for typing this, but oh well!! Burn, baby, burn!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003


God? There is no god.

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003


-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003

This is Buhda, we went over this, you don't exist.

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003

*siff*...*sob*....I know.......waaaahhhhh....

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003

*sigh* i find all religions irrelevant except for buddhism

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003

"*sigh* i find all religions irrelevant except for buddhism"

EXCUSE ME ... please learn about other religions b4 saying that!! y buddhism? ur worshipping a bunch of idols that are made by humans?! they call them gods yet their "gods" are made by them !!

what bullshit!!

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003

all of u r nobodys like me

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003

hey i didnt write that...

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003

omfg lets worship jesus! hallelujah!

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003

May God help those who have already fallen victom to the devil and his ways.....

Ignorance like that just fortifies my conviction to Christ... because the thought of ever sounding like you...............

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003


-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003

No no! I mean it!

I luv Jesus! He's my homie!

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

i find this post to be irrelevent....

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

So do I, but: http://www.petitiononline.com/stopgod/

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

your god huh? well im a neko girl and both make no sence and don't matter:P^__^

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

Yall r hilarious

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

hmm...i guess not ALL religions are useless. there are a few that at least make a little bit of sense. being exposed to christianity and *sigh* catholocism isn't exactly the most interesting thing for me thought

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

Well, I just can't stand having to stand around for half an hour singing and listening to some old crusty guy preach, when I could be at home sleeping.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003

Hey all you Christians, part of your religion is respecting other religious beliefs. No reason to insult others'.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003

you all suck...you all suck....you all suck my balls!

-- Anonymous, July 28, 2003

God is nothing more than an illusion. God is an excuse to explain the ever-troubling question of, "How the hell did such a deformed and idiotic race such as the humans ever become the self-proclaimed dominent species on one of the only planets able to sustain life within a 59,000,000,004,560,822,560 lightyear radius of this galaxy?" I mean, really! We can't even sustain peace within our own freaking species! Do you see squirels or Kitsune battling over territory? NO! They can come to respect one another and fairly divide their land. But no, the humans have to freaking slaughter each other just so they can claim land that they have no righ to simply to drain it and eventually the entire planet of its precious resourses and its lifeforce itself. Man you humans are stupid! >=O Well, thank you for hearing me out. So, until next time mindless infidels, fare the well!

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003

I'm not a human.

I'm an asshole.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

AH!!! hey u guys can be god if u want but my dad the dark prince is lettin me throw a party in hell...so :P!!! WHO WANTS TO COME!!! *runs around in little circles until she hits a pole that appewars out of nowhere*...YAY!!! PARTY IN HELL!!!! **collapses**

P.S: for party invites go to the seventh layer of hell!!! >P

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

-.-' your hopeless

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

This WHOLE post is gay bullshit.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

Your nothing compared to GOD and yes you will probaply go to hell.and the people that actully believe in him will go to heaven to continue their lifes there!

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2003

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