yu yu hakashow

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what do you think is Yuskake's best move?

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003


Statisticly, Spirit Wave is his most powerful, but my personal favorite is the good old spirit gun.

P.S.: its Yu Yu Hakusho and Yusuke

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

gramer error a. Yu YU hakusho b. Yusuke . And i would have 2 say spirt gun . But i love hiei DRAGON OF THE DARKNESS FLAME!!! ^-^

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

i don't think his moves are that great but i would have to say shotgun. any way hiei and kurama has the best moves like rose whip and dragon of the darkness flame.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003

o.o personaly i like the spirit gun, and i dont really like to call it 'dragon of the darkness flame' becauseee the real name sounds cooler ^^;; (Jao Ensatsu Kokuryuhaa)

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003

If you like the show then get YuYu Hakusho Poltergeist Files. Its the movie. It is really really good.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2003

Forgive me, but I think his best move ever was talking about Keiko "filling out in all the right places" at the tournament...I think that episode is actually on right now *lol*

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2003

you guys are kinda...uh...odd...its not called dragon of darkness flame unless u like being a pure american that doesn't know any names, its called the jao en satsu koku ryu ha, also yusuke's most powerful attack is the spirit gun not the spirit wave, the spirit wave just covers more range and shot gun is the weakest of the three but has the most range

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2003

The strongest isn't Spirit Wave it's *Spirit Wave Orb* of Yuskey's that is.

I think Shishimakawaru is cool!


-- Anonymous, August 05, 2003

I think Yusuke's atitude is his best weapon. His bad ass manner keeps us all in stitches, and his demeanor is always good for a laugh. "The pen may be mightier than the sword. But the tounge is sharper than the pen." -Yod

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2003

People are "odd", just because they call the attack "Dragon of the Darkness Flame" instead of "Jao Ensatsu Kokuryuhaa"? Perhaps they don't know how to pronounce that or maybe they didn't know the Japanese name of the attack. Personally, I prefer to call it "Jao Ensatsu Kokuryuhaa", but when I'm talking to my friends who've only seen the English dub, I call it "Dragon of the Darkness Flame". Let people call it by what they will. It's not a big deal.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003

i love that shotgun thing its so cool! and btw, its shishiwakamaru, not makawaru. sorry i just had to say that, i love his name!

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003

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