Yu-gi-oh mp3's ???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

where can i find them not useing Kazza or anything just a site... ???

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003


Ahahaha whatta moron. Everyone knows there area no yugi HO mp3s, even if there were it'd be the songs from the cd, which basically SUCKS!! (in english at least)

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2003

Actually, there ARE Yu-Gi-Oh mp3s! ^_^ If you want the English ones, those are easy to find. It's the Japanese ones that are a pain! ^_^

-- Anonymous, September 27, 2003

Actually I got a really great yu-gi-oh song in jap entitled 'Rakuen' and according to the messages its one of the hottest and most sought yu-gi-oh songs around. i think there are four yu-gi-oh songs in jap plus BGMs and ugh!english version songs. Anime Jap Songs are the best and so are subtitled videos. dubbing sucks!!! actually i kinda misplaced the site address so i'll just give you a tip. keep searching for the yu-gi-oh topsites with many links and maybe if you're lucky you'll stumble upon the site with the goodies (use google as your search engine).

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2003

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