Footpegs : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Has anyone out there changed their footpegs? I am not looking for rearsets just a good set of footpegs with some bite. Will Ducati pegs interchange with the F4, if so what model? Thanks, Curt

-- Curt McMillion (, July 31, 2003


Ive changed mine for Gilles Tooling ones that look rather good in titanium finish but they also give me a vast range of adjustment which suits me much better than standard. On the downside, the carbon heel plates are a strange shape which catches in your jeans sometimes, which can make life interesting when your about to put your foot down and have already started to lean the bike slightly that way. Also the carbon heel plate bends in quite easily and rubs on the swing arm. The bolts they came with are made of cheese. They round off very easily, and err oh yeah, they dont come with a replacement brake lever to match which would have been nice. So that bit looks a bit odd. Apart from that they are great! I have them on my Ducati too and they are not the same fitment/part no. so no to your second question.

-- Andy (, August 01, 2003.

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