reality therapy in : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
pls give me an idea or steps on how to counsel using the reality therapy to the homosexuals
-- roli calfoforo (, August 11, 2003
See Suzy's answer to "Client has sexual disorder" 2003-06-24 on this Q and A forum. It may be helpful
-- ken lyons (, August 12, 2003.
Roli,RT and CT counseling with gender variant clients follows the same procedures: use Quality World, the Behavioral System (organized and reorganization), Frustration, Behavioral Choice, Total Behavior, Genetic Intensities just as you would with any other client. Find someone to supervise your work who uses choice theory with gender variant clients and review Bill's case in the latest case study book (RT in Action). E-mail me with any questions. I will be on vacation for this week but back Auguist l9th. Take care with this special population as parts of the world are still not user friendly for them. Safety may be a huge issue. Discover what you can about the homosexual world where you are so you know reliable, safe support systems for your special client(s). There will be questions about disclosure, loss of friendships, change in family systems which often comes with a grief and loss feeling component, freedom needs: the whole challenge! Please know I support your important inquiry and believe the work to be among the most important services we can do for others.
-- suzy hallock-bannigan (, August 14, 2003.