Nikon Coolpix 5400 or 5700? : LUSENET : Photography Singapore : One Thread

I understand that both models allow for some form of manual control(?) and this is a feature I am looking for. But which model to consider? 5400 or 5700? I am also looking at taking some night shots.

Would appreciate current camera owners' views on their experience with the respective models.

-- ady (, August 11, 2003


try 5400

-- hodi (, September 12, 2003.

i use a 35mm nikon [f55] and have been an ardent supporter of nikon products. BUT since you are specifically looking for decent manual control, my suggestion would be a minolta dimage 7i. the picture quality is not as good as nikon coolpix 5700 -> but that is the compromise. if you insist on a nikon [won't blame you], get 5400


-- Nagi Mahalingam (, October 30, 2003.

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