Does any one knows how to burn games? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Damn, I really need help BADLY!!! Plz response if u kno how to burn PS2 games using a DVD burner, and which programs to use. I have DVDXCOPY, can this program burn PS2 Games??? MAJOR HELP PLEASE!!!

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003


u have 2 use a normal CD burner i dont think it can be a DVD burner but u can try it. get a normal CD-R and burn the game. its easy. but u have 2 have a mod chip 2 play burnt ps2 games.

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003

you shouldn't do that shit anyway
go out and guy the game you moron
its only about $50 for a new ps2 game

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003

Wat's the use of buying games and DVD's when u can burn them? I rather save my money to buy shoes and computer stuff than spend 50 bucks on a single game. Only idiotic people like YOU think that way.

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003

I've heard the BIN/CUE format works for burn console CDs...


don't take my word though... i'm not amazingly amazing with computers

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003

well usually when u buy the dvd burner it has a software with it its not that hard u need a dvd burner for dvd games and just use a cdr burner for cd games i use b's recorder gold to copy that stuff use the copy cd in b's gold and it shouldn't give u any problems.....

-- Anonymous, October 11, 2003

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