random forum go ahead type anthing^_^*

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

like the title says type anything. . .you ppl r 2 quiet it driving me insane so everyone come in here and party! ^_^* or talk w/e floats your boat man^_^*

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003


Hey look! I'm typing! Type! Type! Type! I hope more people come in here and type too! Type! Type! Type! Since this is a random forum and so many "Who do you think is the best manga/anime character" and "What's the best..." questions have been asked, I'll ask some random one that doesn't relate to those questions. Okay so here it goes...umm...let me think...kind of late here....oh okay! How many people here have read the Witchblade comics? And if so, did you like the tv series? Personaly the first season was good but the second sucked! It didn't follow the comic what so ever! Anyways...random question...thought I ask ^_^

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003

horray someone came!! back at adultswim.com noone ever answered my threads!!!!!!*starts dancing around like a moron untill runs into wall* ow oro

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003

i hope more ppl come in ^_^*

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003

I LOVE the Witchblade comics, I have every comic and little spin off comic shit there is too! Yes, the first season was good, but what the hell? Why did they kill everyone, I mean it was like there should'nt of even been a first season! Tsk, tsk, it started out true to the comic and then they started making up crap and it all went to shit. I wish I could of gotten the first season on dvd, but they never came out with the season boxsets....sad, sad, sad. I think i'm gonna stop collecting the comic soon because the storylines and artist all suck now. It was good while it lasted!

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003

no more coffee for kayo^_^*

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003

I LOVE COFFEE! I can drink it day or night, hot or cold it doesnt matter! As long as its COFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE!!!!! Coffee is my one and only friend! Coffee wants to be your friend:) Really you should never talk about coffe around me because sometimes when I get going I cant stop!

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003

Are you serious? Has the storyline and artist gone down the drain? That sucks! I'm only have 1 though 33 right now, but I know they are 60 plus out right? OMG! That sucks so much! And pisses me off too because I love that comic! Ah! Why do good thing always end up shitty? Man...Anyways, I hope that they fix whatever the problem is and get good again^_^ There's always hope! LOL.

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003

P.S. Oh yes, coffee is my best friend, can't live without it!^_^

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003

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