looking for a contract roaster

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

I'm looking to partner with a contract roaster for a specialty coffee business I'm starting in the NE area. Anyone have any contacts or suggestions? Thanks, Brogan brogan_k@yahoo.com

-- Brogan K. (brogan_k@yahoo.com), August 26, 2003


Maybe we can help? www.catsack.com

-- Trisha or Scott Rea (president@catsack.com), August 30, 2003.

Still looking? If so, we can help with your project. Give me a call 800.990.9924 www.cornerstonecoffee.com

Kindest Regards,

Burke Hodge President

-- Burke Hodge (bhodge@cornerstonecoffee.com), October 01, 2003.

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