Sux ass : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I'm here, in my Stupid U.S. History class doing some stupid mutha fuccen family tree project. And our teacher is stupid enuff to not give us an outline to do the gay project. How stupid is that mutha fucker??? And I'm here, hoping to drop this class, and go home to watch some ty-ass anime...Wait a min...I need to read..READ!!! FUCK!!! school is interferring with my goddamn anime!!! DAMN U SKOOL!

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003


LMAO, I'm not in school yet, first day is today, I go at 1 pm and am there for about an hour...

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003

yep i hate school i just record shows and watch it for a little before 5 o clock and shitty shit the homework stuff and barf on the shit and say my dog did it ^O_O^ <-- demons stare of amazement

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003

Family trees are easy when you have a small family. My family has over 100 members! 0_0

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003

Maybe you wouldn't hate school so much if you knew how to speak without using a swear word in every single sentence.

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003

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