Bittorent Question i need help PLEASE : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Hey can anyone tell me how to make bittorent downloads go faster? Cuz mine is goin at like 0 kilobytes per sec. and upload is like 2 kb. Help make it go faster please is there a way?

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003


There is no manual way to configure that. The only thing that can accelerate your d/l is by uploading alot. Hopefully you'll get a higher downstream later on.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2003

There is a way to dl faster only.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2003

read this FAQ and see if u can find your answer. but that's assuming you're using fast connection. if you are using 56k modem, then dun bother asking.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2003

Moderation questions? read the FAQ