Need scph7502 driver, to install epsxe. HELP. : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I hear you can get this at the Sony site, but, you need to own a station. I don't, but would like the driver anyway. With it, I can install epsxe, to play sony games on my pc. Suggestions??.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2003


search google for whatever plugins and bios you need for epsxe. usually if you download it from a less scrupulous game site or from irc, you'll get it with all the plugins and bios you need to make it work, so try downloading another package. It's nice to see that you can actually create clea, sensible and polite posts when you feel like it.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2003

search google for whatever plugins and bios you need for epsxe. usually if you download it from a less scrupulous game site or from irc, you'll get it with all the plugins and bios you need to make it work, so try downloading another package. It's nice to see that you can actually create clea, sensible and polite posts when you feel like it.

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2003

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