Wait i heard that CN has alot more then 17 ep. of Yasha but are not showing it.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Is it because they are having porblems with languege or sceanes or just sum'm else?

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003


They have purchased all episodes of inuyasha but will not be releasing any more untill next year. This is because of money and they need to keep viewers hooked, if they show all the epps at once then you would have no reason to keep watching...like we would ever quit.

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003

they have purchased all of the episodes and may still opt to get the movies, but for need to spread them out for revinue reasons.

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003

I heard that too. I would NEVER stop watching InuYasha even if I have seen the same episode ten thousand times. I have taped all the ones from CN ans what I do when I'm bored is just stick the tape in the VCR and let it play while I do homework or clean or something else. Or sometimes it's just to watch them because they are funny! My friends and I would never ever give up on InuYasha. We kind of have our own little InuYasha Club here ^-^ All the music we listen, all we talk about, all we watch, all our video games, all we read, and everything is InuYasha!! We breathe it! It is our 'other' half in life. We love it. GO INUYASHA!!!

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2003

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