Polaroid Transfers on Location

greenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

Hello everyone! Just wondering about a method for doing image transfers on location. On location I mean with backpack of your supplies and when you see a great picture you take it and set up on the street and make your transfer. Do you really have to soak your watercolor paper in boiling water or would cool water suffice? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

-- Tina Halvorson (ttinkerbell2@hotmail.com), September 11, 2003


This is a great question! I'd love to also hear any ideas. I have done many dry transfers,(carefully) and although they aren't as easy, it can be done. I would think that cool water wouldn't have the same softening effect for the paper, but try it. Maybe keeping a pack of previously soaked paper moist and ready to use?? Give it a try. Cathy

-- Cathy Gamlen (cpgamlen@comcast.net), September 12, 2003.

Transfers on location are a lot of fun, I carry a Polaroid 360 folding camera, a spray water bottle, a roller, arches 140 lb hotpress paper, a clipboard, and a towel, take the picture(don't process yet), spray the paper on both sides let soak in(temp is whatever the temp is outside), pat excess water with towel, process as normal, have had a lot of good luck in the field with this, travels well to. Tim

-- Tim Shinneman (ts61_hun@yahoo.com), November 29, 2003.

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