ok, I have to ask this, what is with all the NarutoxSasuke fan fictions and crap?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I mean... I just don't see it, and I'm someone who liked Gravitation. Can anyone tell me what the hangup is on these two as a couple?! like.. why you think they are gay? I just started watching the show and went to fanfiction.net to read so fictions.. and like over half was Naruto and Sasuke based O_o

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2003


heh... you could also ask why there's so much Harry Draco action in Harry Potter fanfics... XDD

maybe part of it is that kiss in the first volume of naruto... or the fact that naruto and sasuke have a hate based relationship, so making them be a hot item gives people something to write about... meh, whatever, not my ideal story... Hinata and Naruto on the other hand... ~grin~ yayayayayayayayayay

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2003

I agree with you. I go on FF.net and I'm like geez there are two many yaoi(gay) fics. I really don't support that " couple ". Although, I believe someone used this phrase so I'll say this. " I am not anti-yaoi just non-yaoi. Personally, I just don't like reading or writing it. You'll find a lot of yaoi stuff and it will not stop so if you don't it just ignore it.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2003

I don't get the fascination with creating love stories based on characters that are obviously straight. I could understand if the characters were homosexual but other than that it just seems silly to me. Im also a fan of Hinata X Naruto fan fiction and I'm hoping more people will write quality stories pertaining to their relationship. It doesn't have to be a romantic one, although thats a plus, but something that involves the two helping eachother out whether physically or emotionally. I honestly feel that their characters are perfect for eachother and that if they were to be together, they would help even eachother out.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2003

yea...but none are worse then the Hiei and Kurama ones *mumbles* <_<

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

Hinata and Naruto were made for each other!! But Sakura and Naruto do have a lot in common, I would like Sakura better if she'd just show her true colors!! I don't think Sasuke would ever even THINK that way, I think, if he had the chance he'd seriously injure, but our Naruto's stronger (smarter?) than that!! But still they remind me of Kayleigh and I, we're really good friends, just not gay ones. O_o gays kind of scare me... I have nothing against them though.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

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